Saturday, February 16, 2013

Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold to the rescue

Probably my favorite color to paint with, Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold, came to the rescue for this piece, Sunflower. It was looking a little pasty, a wash of the gold and then edged with a wash of browns made the yellows pop. 

Have you ever driven through Vermont in the summer? Rolling greener-than-green hills and clear bluer-than-blue skies. And hay bales. Lots of hay bales. 

Hay Bales in Vermont


  1. The glow that you have achieved around the sunflower is wonderful. How large is this piece?

    THe hay bales in VT is sweet and very pieceful. Again, what is the size?

  2. ooops--pieceful was a slip and should actually be peaceful

  3. hee, no piecing in either of these!
    Thank you for your comments!!! the sunflower is about 17" square and the hay bale one is about 17" x 37". The sunflower one is destined for the NLQG mini quilt auction.

  4. Gorgeous! I love how the various colors dance around the piece.


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