Tuesday, February 25, 2014

toilet paper and stars

 I'm taking a drawing class through our local art gallery. For the last class the teacher stacked some rolls of toilet paper, added some white balls and a couple of white tray things in the back. I've never used charcoal before. Class ended before I felt like I had really finished it, but I'm pleased with what i did accomplish.

 Did you know that quilting is not like riding a bicycle? I haven't worked on a pieced quilt in a long time - I had forgotten a lot! Also, fabric does not seem to obey the laws of physics.

I have enough to make 12 stars. The plan is to make 4 twin size quilts, each with different settings and background fabrics. These blocks will finish at 30".

I've also cut out fabric to make this quilt. It's something that can be portable and I can leave it packed up for working on at my WOW meetings (a group of the bestest artsy women!) or other sew togethers.