Monday, September 10, 2012

What would you do...

If you knew you couldn't fail?

I decided I can't fail. Why?
1. I'm in a class all by myself! I'm the only one who can be me, do what I do...
2. I'm the teacher... i design the syllabus and direction of the class.
2. I'm also the grader. I decide what's on the test and how to score it.

Methinks that I have things stacked in my favor...

I had a great time today making some really UGLY quilt tops. I can't wait to see what they look like when they are quilted and painted.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Handi Quilter Fusion has arrived!

I was expecting it on Monday, but it showed up today:

woohoo! But I have to wait to have the shop I bought it through, Bits 'n Pieces,  to come set it up. Apparently it's a wee bit complicated!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

last two quilts for class

sigh. class is over. It was great, I learned a lot and there are still so many links and resources to get through. It pushed me to work hard and I have an inkling of what I am capable of doing. In the hecticness of summer I made 5 40"x40" (approximately) pieces, each of which i am proud of!

My classmates did AMAZING work. I wish I could share some with you! I think you will be seeing their work in publications and art galleries soon!

Assignment 3:

The assignment was to take our reference photo (for this I used assignment 2) and change the shape of the form, so I straightened out the curve and the angle of the diamonds. It was the week before SolarFest, so I was thinking about global warming and how so many people are ignoring it or denying it. Can you see my anger?

here is number 4:

a little more cheerful, no? This assignment was to change the lines up a bit, so I "shot" through the outer curves and this is the shape I got.

Assigment 5:

The assignment was to take a reference piece and make it more elaborate or more simple. I thought that number 4 was on the simple side, so I added to it... more fabrics, more threads, more quilting, more shapes. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

second assignment

For this one, I changed the perspective and scale of the circle. The quilting was supposed to suggest looking along the surface of quilt. It was also inspired by Color Field paintings

 Looking at the quilt in real life, it looks like you can walk through the blue part, like an arch or tunnel. 

a little more detail, and I also like the composition of this crop:

First assignment

The first assignment was to use a different color from our reference piece (Artem) and here is the result. I chose a simple quilting pattern similar to Artem. I feel there is a look of layers of paint with some rust poking through, which was the goal.

Monday, June 25, 2012

"Bear in mind that although we may all start in one place, writers do not move in the same direction. As soon as that starting gun fires, some writers sprint into the woods; some slam the gearshift into reverse; some jump up and down; some amble towards the concessions area."

I'm heading to the concession area... anyone need anything while I'm there??

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Working in a Series with Lisa Call

I have started a new online class with Lisa Call. Her work is so precise and consistent, she definitely has an identifiable "look". Plus they are so interesting to look at! Each one seems to have its own story.

Her class, Working in a Series, was getting rave reviews on one of the Art/Quilt lists I follow, so I checked it out. It sounded awesome, even though I'm not sure I'm really ready for this level, and summer is usually so busy, so not great timing, but... but... And then... the PayPal button made it just a little too easy, and so here I am, first week into it!

My series will be based on my Artem quilt

I will be painting quilted surfaces to look like natural patinas found objects that are rusted or show layers of paint. We have another lecture tonight and I will start quilting tomorrow!