Monday, September 10, 2012

What would you do...

If you knew you couldn't fail?

I decided I can't fail. Why?
1. I'm in a class all by myself! I'm the only one who can be me, do what I do...
2. I'm the teacher... i design the syllabus and direction of the class.
2. I'm also the grader. I decide what's on the test and how to score it.

Methinks that I have things stacked in my favor...

I had a great time today making some really UGLY quilt tops. I can't wait to see what they look like when they are quilted and painted.


  1. I'm hearing a favorite song of mine...

    be sure to expand the "more" to get all the lyrics.

    Love ya!

  2. I think you have an educational program we should all be inspired to acquire!

    Have fun making that Fusion work for you!

    Diane in Springfield, VA (met you in Manchester)!


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