Saturday, March 30, 2013


One quilt, ready to hang and go into the auction at the Northern Lights Quilt Guild Quilt Show. I like the look of the facing on this one... a border/binding would not have worked.

I wanted to cover the entire back of this one, as the paint seeped through... rusty orange and lavender - blech (for this anyways, I'm sure that combination would be perfect for something!). And it's going in the auction at a fairly traditional quilt show where people are still in the habit of looking at the back!

Anyways, I tried facing it with the pillowcase method, using a fusible to hold it down after turning. I would NOT do this if it were going anywhere else, but it was a good opportunity to see how it would, ehem, "turn out". The verdict is... not great, there is some wrinkling, but that could be fixed with practice. Again, i think it's ok for where it's headed - they're bidding on the front, not the back! I did sew my sleeve on the back before attaching it to the quilt. I'm not fond of utilitarian hand sewing.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful work! I'd bid on it!!! I love sunflowers and you got the colors just right.


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