Margaret Sheehan, our local SAQA rep organized a meeting that was held yesterday for SAQA members in NH, VT, MA and ME. (and apologies for the quality of the pictures... these were taken with my cell phone which is much slower than what I'm used to! Timing is everything)
Judith Reilly gave a talk about how she frames her quilts. This photo shows Margaret holding one of her pieces framed in the same manner. It's a deep frame with the quilt mounted on two layers of foam core so that it loos like it is floating.
Valarie Poitier gave a talk about becoming a PAM (a juried member of SAQA). One of the requirements to become a PAM is submitting 10 pieces that show a cohesive body of work. Valarie says you may need to have as many as 50 under your belt before you have your 10. (she didn't bring her show and tell, but she showed some of us a sneak peek of a work in progress with pictures from her phone. I am definitely going to keep an eye on her blog to see when she is exhibiting!)
I have been a big fan of Michele O'Neil Kincaid's work for years, but I really love this one!
And Maryann Gallaher, who is an up-and-coming fabric dyer! The green back ground of this piece is her hand dyed fabric and Jody Scaltreto thread painted Maryann's sweet kitty. Oh, how I wish I had a better picture, maybe Maryann will send me one??

There are more pictures here do have a peek!
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